A ‘share’ is an allocation of Research Storage. There are two kinds of shares: individual shares are available to all NC State faculty members for free, in 2TB allotments, for the entirety of the faculty members’ employment.
Project shares are Research Storage allocations that are associated with active projects in NC State’s Research Enterprise Data (RED) system.
All NC State faculty are eligible for their own individual Research Storage share. To see if you’re eligible:
The portal checks the role attribute in the University’s LDAP directory (ldap.ncsu.edu). Anyone whose role is listed as faculty is automatically eligible.
Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are not eligible for their own allocations, and are encouraged to have their PI or faculty advisor add them as collaborators on the faculty member’s individual share (see the User Access page for instructions on how to do so).
We realize there may be situations where someone conducts research but their role is listed as something other than faculty. Exceptions may be granted. Contact oit_research_storage@help.ncsu.edu with additional questions.
That’s it. You should be taken to the Research Storage Manager page and will see a section of the page that looks like this:
After approximately 1 minute, the orange hourglass icons should turn into green checkmarks:
Once you no longer see any orange checkmark icons, the share is ready to be used.
See the User Access page for instructions.
See the Access Research Storage page for more information.
Only researchers with faculty status are eligible to set up Research Storage allocations. However, undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows can be added to Research Storage allocations by a PI or other faculty advisor. For instructions on adding users to particular Research Storage allocations, please see the User Access page.
To request an increase to an existing share, please submit a ticket to oit_research_storage@help.ncsu.edu.
Yes, via the web-based data management tool Globus. Globus enables researchers to easily share and receive large data sets with collaborators from other institutions. For questions about using Globus, please submit a ticket to oit_globus@help.ncsu.edu.